
One-stop solution provider for dental nail polishing

Sr105F RA shank Wheel shape light pink color Utra Fine grit Diamond polishers 1
Sr105F RA shank Wheel shape light pink color Utra Fine grit Diamond polishers 2
Sr105F RA shank Wheel shape light pink color Utra Fine grit Diamond polishers 3
Sr105F RA shank Wheel shape light pink color Utra Fine grit Diamond polishers 4
Sr105F RA shank Wheel shape light pink color Utra Fine grit Diamond polishers 1
Sr105F RA shank Wheel shape light pink color Utra Fine grit Diamond polishers 2
Sr105F RA shank Wheel shape light pink color Utra Fine grit Diamond polishers 3
Sr105F RA shank Wheel shape light pink color Utra Fine grit Diamond polishers 4

Sr105F RA shank Wheel shape light pink color Utra Fine grit Diamond polishers


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    KEXIN RA Dental Diamond Polishers for All-Ceramic,Zirconia.

    *Medium grit (blue) diamond polisher is for removing of ceramic, porcelain, metal, all-ceramic, zirconia;
    * Fine girt (light grey) diamond polisher is for smoothing of ceramic, porcelain, metal, all-ceramic, zirconia;
    * Extra fine grie (yellow) diamond polisher is for high-lustre polishing of ceramic, porcelain, metal, all-ceramic, zirconia;
    * Ultra fine (light pink) diamond polisher is for mirror finishing result on all dental and orthodontic materials, these burs can used to replace the traditional polishing tools such as brushes, cotton swabs, polishing paste

    Sr105F RA shank Wheel shape light pink color Utra Fine grit Diamond polishers 5
    Sr105F RA shank Wheel shape light pink color Utra Fine grit Diamond polishers 6
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